Robert Gordon On Film, Kodak
The essence of the art of creating commercials is in the concept…which reaches through the screen and grabs the audience. You can only do that if you are willing to go through all kinds of hell, climb any mountain, and be there in time for the sunrise.
“Kangaroo Dreams” wins AICP’s Editorial Award
The commercial is preserved in The Museum of Modern Art’s Department of Film’s state-of-the-art archives for future generations to study.
The 21st Century Competitive Advantage
“People will support your company if they know you're doing the right thing. That's the best advertising you can hope for. The world is watching…”
Salman Khan, Action Star performs Daredevil Stunt
“Shot at a remote location in the mountainous terrains of New Zealand. The only way to reach the shooting locale was by a helicopter.”
The Unsurpassed Magic of Film
“‘The Power of Film’ is designed to demonstrate the aesthetic advantages of producing visual stories on film,” Gordon says.
Everything that wins an ANDY Award is GOLD
The International ANDY Awards is one of the most sought-after awards for creative excellence in advertising, with bravery at its core.
The 1st Diet Coke Commercial
An extravagant Diet Coke TV Commercial, the first featuring the new soft drink, Diet Coke, is about to be thrust upon an unsuspecting world. Check out the celebrities!!.